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Join us for a personal African safari experience that you will never forget!
We offer not only hunting safaris but photographic safaris and scenic tours as well.
Experience exceptional quality trophies and majestic, breathtaking scenery.
“We have made many good friends over the years, that like us, value tradition, conservation and the love of the hunt”

Hunting safaris

We have various hunting concessions all over South Africa with exceptional quality trophies and majestic, breathtaking scenery.

scenic tours

The large variety of activities in the area cater for all tastes, from fishing fanatics to adrenalin junkies, historians to wildlife enthusiasts.


Our accommodation is set in the magnificent African bush and consists of comfortable stone and thatch cottages, a lounge, dining room and trophy room.

Scenic Route

Lion Creek Safaris lies central to some of the most spectacular countryside South Africa has to offer.

We also offer day trips to the world famous Kruger National Park, which is mere minutes away from our concession in Mpumalanga. The Kruger National Park is home to the world’s largest diversity of wildlife and you can find a fantastic variety of Africa’s plains game and the Big 5 which can be viewed from the comfort and security of ones vehicle.

Lion Creek Safaris has various hunting concessions all over South Africa.

Our interest at Lion Creek Safaris is the conservation and long term wellbeing of all wildlife. At Lion Creek Safaris we believe in fair chase and ethical hunting.


We hunt on different concessions, changing between bushveld and longer distance shooting from mountains.


Offers a large variety of plains game, as wells as dangerous game species. The terrain differs from the Mpumalanga region with Mopani dominated woodlands on mixed soils with low rolling hills.

Free State

Consists of open grasslands and mountainous areas adjacent to the Golden Gate Nature Reserve. This terrain is perfect for free range and extreme long distance shooting.


Coming soon

Join us for a personal African safari experience that you will never forget!

Photographic Safaris


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Louise Knox

Louise Knox

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Louise Knox
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